Get Started in a Nursing Assistant Certificate

We operate a hybrid Nursing Assistant Program through Seattle Central Campus. Theory is offered remotely, with lab operations located at the South Seattle College Campus. Sites in the Seattle area vary for the clinical course component which occurs at the end of the quarter.

Entrance Requirements

If you wish to obtain a Nursing Assistant Certificate, you must meet the following entrance requirements and complete the application process.

  • Eligible for at least ENGL 098 and MATH 087, as demonstrated by the placement testing or unofficial transcripts.
  • Pass a criminal background check.
  • Attend a mandatory NA-C information session

How to Get Started

Applications are accepted on a first–come, first–served basis for students who meet the entrance requirements. We now accept applications for NA-C on an ongoing basis. Once your application has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email with your next steps.

  1. Complete the 5-Step Enrollment Process for Seattle Central College,  which includes placement testing and/or transcript review to ensure you meet the eligibility requirements. You can contact an advisor at
  2. After the advising office has approved you to begin NA-C (See eligibility requirements), a Program Ready Form will be submitted on your behalf from your advisor, and you will receive an email from the NA-C program explaining your next steps.
  3. Attend NA-C orientation (You will receive an invitation after completing the steps above).
  4. Immunization Requirements - immunizations required for the program to be completed are after acceptance to the program. Process can take a few weeks so please get started right away.

After Acceptance

Attend the mandatory NA-C orientation, where you will register for class. Bring your receipt from the cashier’s office.

Applicants are invited to attend orientation on a space-available basis.

In order to be placed in a clinical setting, you will need to have a physical examination, vaccinations or titers, TB tests and pass a criminal background check. You will receive more information about this requirement at NA-C orientation.

Program Expectations

This is a full-time program with theory and lab meeting 4 days per week, with mandatory clinical at a healthcare site for 40 hours towards the end of the quarter. Students must commit to a fast-paced schedule for the 8-9 week course duration. If you would like to discuss specifics regarding coursework/scheduling, please contact

Current schedule is as follows (subject to change):

Tuesday and Thursday – Mandatory in person lab at South Seattle College Campus - 6000 16th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98106.  
(Students may be placed in a morning 0800-1300 or afternoon 1400-1900 group)

Wednesday and Friday – Mandatory Online Theory via Zoom - 0900-1400