CDN Graduate Pass Rate on NCLEX Licensing Exam (Aggregated Data)

YearSCC First-time NCLEX Pass RatePass Students/Total Students N =National Mean ADN PGM’s

SCDN Program Completion Data Program Completion – Aggregated for the Entire Program

Expected Level of AchievementYearProgram Completion Rate
80% of students admitted to SCC’s Nursing Program will complete the program within nine quarters of the prescribed time.2022 June88% (66/75)
80% of students admitted to SCC’s Nursing Program will complete the program within nine quarters of the prescribed time.2022 August86% (54/63)
80% of students admitted to SCC’s Nursing Program will complete the program within nine quarters of the prescribed time.2023 June99% (69/70)
80% of students admitted to SCC’s Nursing Program will complete the program within nine quarters of the prescribed time.2023 August96% (47/49)
80% of students admitted to SCC’s Nursing Program will complete the program within nine quarters of the prescribed time.2024 June85% (45/54)
80% of students admitted to SCC’s Nursing Program will complete the program within nine quarters of the prescribed time.2024 August92% (47/51)

SCDN Program Post Graduate Employment Survey

Post Grad (Spring 21 Grads and Summer 21 Grads) Survey Q2 – 89%     
Fall 2019/Winter 2020 Cohort N=36 respondents

Post Grad (Spring 22 Grads and Summer 22 Grads) Survey Q2 – 91% Fall 2020/Winter 2021 Cohort N=46 respondents

Post Grad (Spring 23 and Summer 23 Grads) Survey Q2 - 100%

2024-2025 Post Grad (Spring 24 and Summer 24 Grads) Survey Q2 - 85% 
N = 20 Response 17/20